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What is the future of Meteorjs

Thibaut Cheymol5 min read

A few weeks ago, I went to a Meteor meetup. On this occasion, I had the chance to attend a highly instructive debate about the future of a framework I like. I will try to give you a quick summary of everything I heard.
Of course, without sponsor, there is no event, I would like to thank 42mg’s team, an open source software which aims at helping people with project management. I would also like to thank the PCF to provide us a place for this meetup in its headquarters, a supernatural concrete building erected by Oscar Niemeyer. The inside of the building is particularly inspiring.

Finally, I address a special thanks to, a platform for developers to meet recruiters, for their help.

Why people use MeteorJs?

The main lesson I learned from my MeteorJs experiences is that it is freakingly simple. If you doubt this, I invite you to read another article I wrote a few weeks ago about how to deploy a MeteorJs application in less than 10 minutes.

To quickly summarize this point, I would say that by nature, Meteor is strongly monolithic, it limits the number of technologies you can plug on it. The consequence entailed is Meteor works out of the box. If you need to add a component, go to Atmosphere and if you find your package, add it in one command line and it will work.

This makes Meteor the quickest framework to bring value into your application you started from scratch. One of the attendees told us about his experience: “Using Meteor made me save 2 work-months on my project”

The criticism we hear about Meteor

What is planned for the future and why it is uncertain

But it has all chances to be bright


Meteor is blessed with a great community, far more active than Sails’ one. It also offer a good usability and a fine kickstart for your project, saving about 2 months with no business value.

Meteor needs guidelines

A nice project, Mantra, showed up, it is aimed at providing guidelines to build a cutting edge scalable application based on Meteor. It allows npm uses and provides a testing environment which is great for Meteor newcomers


As one might understand, Meteor is on the brink of a revolution. Its identity as a framework is at stake and it may regress to a rather complete kickstart. But, in the current process, we can witness hope from its community, the company who backed it and the technical choices of its maintainers.

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